Pooky is here, Where is Garfield?
Stop and smell the roses!

Friday, December 31, 2004



Well the last day of the year is here. Gwad that was fast. And yet I turn another year older.

Hmmmm will I sit and reflect on the year that has been. Nah. Lot of highs and lows. But from the lows good things have come from it. I am looking foward to the new year as I have many things planned and I am sure more things will come about as well. Hell I may find some time to let someone else into my life.

It has been funny how some things have worked out this year. Not funny at the time, but funny when I look back on it all. And some things I smack myself in the head and think about how dumb I was about some issues. And how I really did not learn anything about my time with my ex cause I feel for the same crap again. The other reason I have not been too keen about "hooking" up with anyone.

But tonight I thought stuff it and have decided to meet up with someone that I have been chatting on and off to for the past 2 years. Another snoopy fan. lol

Will still see if anything comes from the sms guy. But not waiting around to see.

I think there are big things going to happen for me in the new year. I think this past year was my test year and wake up call. I will sit down at some stage tomorrow and figure out what number my year was this year and see what next year is all about. I think this year was my number 9 year - the year of endings. I did not close one chapter of my life, but I will in the new year nice and early any way I have to do it. Either the source directly or via 3rd party. Which ever way it goes it will be closed. I have given this person enough chance and now it is no more chances. I am sick of the crap this person pulls on me and how cruel this person has become. This person wants to play cruel he can do it to someone else. And I am no longer going to let this person slide with stuff.

Well tonight we are off to Glenelg since it is apparently the last one they are going to have down there. The rich ones prob down't like it.

Everyone have a great NYE and see you all in the new year. I am actually not going to be on my puter for NYE.



Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Wednesday was excellent. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same. Having lunch with friends again tomorrow.

Thursday was not so good. I am a little tired of the crap sms's I recieve from a certain person. This person starts at 7.30am and leaves "nice" little messages on my message bank. This person puts a bad name for gays. But it is good cause this person has made me do some other things that are better for me. I suppose I should thank the little so and so. But nah. Why waste my breath.

Xmas day was good. It was quiet for most of it. Mum worked and my sister and her boyfriend went to Victor Harbour for the arvo. I would not have said no to mum working as it was $50 an hour for her to work. Help pay her bills.

Mum has taken Friday off cause I am going out. Gawd it will be the first time in 6 years since I have been out and about on my birthday. I apparently have to choose the place but I have no idea. Maybe Glenelg to watch the fireworks close up for a change. lol.

Other than that not a lot of news. Hardly been sober since Xmas eve and thought I would take the time off to "dry" out tonight. Pottered around in the garden today. Planted my two rose bushes. Got a sweet sms off someone. Not hoping for anything out of it. Will just see what happens. But I am not waiting to see. Just going to see. I am never "waiting" for anyone again. It is a waste of time. I learnt that one big time.

I am in a bit of a mood tonight so time for me to go before I let some cats out of the bag. Plus time for CSI.

Hope you all had a super Xmas



Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Today was a horrid day. It is a day I could have done without. I was so glad to get home away from people. It is always nice to come home to hugs and kisses when I come home. It makes the horrid day thing just disappear.

Angel is starting toilet training and is doing extremely well. I am not yet brave enough to try no nappy on a bus ride yet. But he is getting there. Felt so sad for him today as his ezcema was really bad on his legs that it hurt today. They almost called me up to come and get him cause he was so upset. But with the hot weather that is what we have to look foward to.I found the best thing to do for him is medihoney. I would recommend that to any ezcema suffer. Works alot better than the prescription medication. Because I don't like using it all that much cause it hides other problems we are doing the full natural stuff. Bath in salt water and with QV oil that is for ezcema, then after the bath a full body massage with baby oil that has alovria in it and then the honey on the angery red parts of his body. Then next morning most of it has gone down. Someone suggested that I get him wrapped in special bandages but I can not see Angel sitting still for 1 hour for all of that. I would rather go with what I am doing for now.

Looking foward to tomorrow. Lunch with friends will be nice. It is always nice to have real people around in your life. I am so tired of dealing with fakes.

Well time I get a riggle on and get ready for tomorrow. Still have to wrap a few gifts and do the last of my Xmas cards.



Sunday, December 19, 2004


Okies. After many days and lots of naughty thoughts/words I have gotten close to what I wanted. There are still a few things that I am not happy with. but I am just about ready to pull my hair out over this one.

Tell me what you think and if there are any changes that you think could be made



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Thursday, December 16, 2004


Well thankfully almost all my Xmas shopping is done. Unfortantly have to put off rent for a fortnight, but I will catch it up some how in the new year. Some people that promised to pay back money they owe have not and I can not let family and friends go without cause of my stupidty.

Forgive any horrid spelling (more than usual) as the bar is well and truley open tonight. Few burbons and Simon Barker and some Gunner and Alice Cooper is a nice way to relax for the night. Been happly downloading all the stuff I used to have. And some new stuffs as well. Now to figure out how to use Nero and change everything so I can put the vidoe clips on cd to watch. One I will not put on there is a film clip I downloaded and is a bit too much for Angel to watch. When it has people give head and stuff, I don't think is sutiable for kiddies. But I have manged to download some rare Bon Jovi clips and stuffs. I also have almost all comic strips of Garfield from 1978, but have all of them from 1979 to now. Just waiting for tonights comic strip to come through.

Well my date last night was ummm pleasant. We are way too different. But it was nice to get out and about. Haven't done that since March. Actually March was my last night off, but just to get out was nice. We went out for dinner and went and saw a band. It was nice.At least this time I did not have to get the male to tell me what the menu actually said cause I could understand what was in the dish. Must be the thing. If you are going to go out for dinner go to North Adelaide. heheheheeh

With all of this downloading I relise I need a bigger hard drive and possibly broadband. I have already filled up 15 gig of downloading. Through a friend of mone I am getting the modem for broadband for $50 instead of the nice $200 and a cheap bigger hard drive. Doing all that after the new year though.

I have finally convinced Angel that if he wears jocks that his "thing": will not fall off and that he can stop doing the two handed Michael Jackson. He is finaly using the potty. He is nearly ready for Kindy. He is a little behind. Bit he is doing super well with his speech. Think Angel scard the guy. I made it very clear that any guy that does not like/accept Angel does not accpet me. He is the most important thing in my life.

That is my major thing. If guys can not accpet my son they are gone. I know some woman that give up kids for men, but not this black duck. He was a cutie this morning. He actually let me sleep in a little. 7.30am is a sleep in. He turned on TV in the louge room instead of my room. He has this thing at the moment where he refers him self as cheeky. it is cute. cause mum, Nanna and Aunty go to work, he goes to Cheeky work. It is cute to listen to. To hear a 3 and half year old saying that he goes to "cheeky work". But it is good cause he has already learnt that working is a good thing. All the major influantal people in his life go to work, so he does. So I work part time, but it is good for him to have that understanding that people do work now. Hopefully he will have a good work ethic when he is older.

I suppose I could be the stero type of single mum and stay home and do nothing. But with me going to work it give Angel a good understand of life now. Sometimes I wonder what lessons he would have learnt if his father (my ex) was still around. The only things I can think of is:

1. Go to work when you feel like it.
2. Sponge off any woman
3. Disrepect women
4. Education is nothing.
5. Lie to get what you want
6. How to be a compo king

Even though things are a little harder now, I am glad that I made the decision to kick my ex out for my son's sake (and a little of mine).

That was the good thing about my last fling/whatever. I was able to break a fe bad habbits. Not all of them, but a few. And I was able to over come a major fear. Some people keep saying that I should look at the negative on how things eneded. But I look at the positives. Without him knowing he helped me alot. More than than he relises. Unfortantly (or maybe fortanly depending on how you look at it it all) I was able to fears I was able to over come having him around. But it has made me a better person for the next person. There was a major fear that I had that I never told him. Infact never told anyone. But without him knowing he was able to help me get over that. Unfortanly I will never be able to express my great thanks for that unless he reads this. But if he does I will never be able to explain in detail what is was.

That is my main fault. Although I talk about some things, there are alot of things that I do not talk about. Somethings I keep to myself and no-one knows. Maybe if I was not so subbon and opened up about some things I would get alot further in the man department. But my theory is what they don't know don't hurt them. But maybe sometimes what I do not say hurts them evern more. But it is hard to decide what to tell them and what not to.

I know I damaged a friendship by doing one thing without "taking" about it first. But it is hard to talk about it cause at the time of the "innocendent" I was hiding something else that let me to become into another sitution. I hid it cause I did not want this "friend" to worry cause the friend had enough of there plate so I did not want to bother this person with my issues. This lead me into a life changing situation and I did not chat to my "friend:" about this and give the chance for this person to have some imput. I blamed myslef for the bulk of it and did not feel the need to really share the details with anyone. One friend told me off for doing this thing on my own. But because I blamed myself for it I did it all on my own.

Sometone said that my life was complicated. It is for a short time but I get myself out of it. Life is only as complicated as you make it want to be.

well enough dribble from me and time for bed.



Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Well I feel like doing the big Kev thing again. Ready to fall off your chair like I did. I am actually going out on a date tomorrow night. I can not believe it. It was nice how the guy went about asking me out. It gives a girlie those warm fuzzy feelings. Now tonight where to start. Do the housework, the hair, etc. Feel tired from work today and trying to do a million and one things tonight.

Today has been a top day. Have nothing to complain about at all. Can't seem to wipe the smile off my face. It is nice to feel special every so often.

Oh well time to get things into motion for tomorrow night



Monday, December 13, 2004


Well it is all systems go around here of late. Busy little beaver. The main thing is closing some doors before the end of the year and getting prepared for new ones to open in the new year. Not sure if this is my year of ending, but I am making next year (28th year of life) my year of new beginings. There is only one more door to close for the end of the year, but I doubt that will happen which is a big bummer in my plans. I tired to close the door two weeks ago but I must have be being silly. I will get this door closed any way I have to before the end of the year. I need this done.

I have sorta opened a new door early. Not reading anything into it much. Been spending a bit of time with a "friend" who is helping me to get the process of the new door thing, and well coffee/breakfast lead to something else. We both had an itch to scratch. Put me on a nice high for the day. I don't think some people are liking that I am shutting up shop about my life. I got into enough mess with people knowing what was going on. One person is trying every trick in the book to find out who my mystery friend is and I am not saying anything. The less that some people know the better. If something semi-serious comes of it then I may tell a name.

Thursday I finaly bought a Xmas Tree. A little optical light one. Only 90cms tall but it does the job. We made it special by getting Angel to make a star (with a little help) and that is what sits on top of the tree. He loves comming home and getting up in the mornings and turning it on. Just about all my Xmas shopping is done. Just have to pick up one or two things for some people. And remeber the card thing. I always forget that bit. At least this year my bills came in November (mainly) so that I could get birthdays and Xmas out of the way.

Today I stayed home cause I have a nice cold. It was nice to stay home and just veg out for a little. A little me time is nice. I am working on a new template for this and it is nearly done. Few little glitches that I am trying to work out, but getting there. It should be up soon. Hopefully by then I may be able to get into my comments without having to go to the haloscan page and wonder wich entry it belongs to.

One thing that is kinda funny is that people are saying stuff about an "issue" trying to razz me up for something to say that is harsh. I just laugh about it. People go in different directings in life and nothing that is said in a harsh manner is going to change that. All I say is good luck to people in the future. Out of everything people still have excellent qualities about them and that will not change whether you are around them or not. If they keep on with those excellent qualites they will go far. It is only themselves holding themself back. But no matter how many times I shrug it off, say ok fine good luck to the person, hope the person does well, is happy and all that jazz some people are still trying to razz up some sort of anger. No wonder some things in the life are screwed up (more than me). I see no point in being nasty, vindictive, harsh etc cause it gets no-where most times. Ok there is the odd occassion where it feels dam good to watch them suffer. All depends on how dirty the person is going to play with me depending on how I get my revenge. For example my ex was being a shit a while ago that nearly go me thrown from my home and loose my payments. I taugh him to fuck with me for the last time. Silly fool kept getting his bank statements sent here with all the "naughty" cash that was going through his account. Well fight fire with fire. He is now the one is deep do do with centerlink. One other person tried something on me as well, and now that person is suffering too. Some people deserve every bit of revenge they get. Some are professional victums and "set it up" so to speak. Others just deserve it for trying to be a sneaky shit and trying to loard things over and think that I am some dummy.

Well time for dinner, downloading and watch a movie tonight while doing other stuffs as well. The multitasking of a parent. hehehehehe



Age: 30
Location: South Australia.
Interests: Lets Chat and we will find out


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