Friday, July 30, 2004
Message for today
The purpose of life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting 'Holy shit...what a ride!'
It may take a while but see if you can spot the difference
Not for kids
Your house plants are alive, and you can't smoke any of them.
You keep more food than beer in the fridge.
6AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed.
You hear your favorite song in an elevator.
You watch the Weather Channel.
Your friends marry and divorce instead of hook up and break up.
You go from 130 days of holidays per year to 20 days.
Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up."
You're the one calling the police because those damn kids next door won't turn down the stereo.
You don't know what time Maccas closes anymore.
Your car insurance goes down, and your payments go up.
Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
You no longer take naps from noon to 6PM.
Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one.
Eating a bucket of KFC at 3 AM would severely upset, rather than settle your stomach.
You go to the chemist for Mylanta, not condoms.
A $4 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good stuff."
You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time.
"I just can't drink the way I used to." replaces "I'm never going to drink that much again."
90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.
You drink at home to save money before going out to a bar.

















I am enjoying me new skill. Designing bloggs. It takes me a while but I enjoy it. I have offered to do some designs for someone. It has taken me two nights and lots of surfing to get the right pictures that suit this person. I have been fully enjoying in. The funpart will be if I can put it all together to make it look right.
Even if person does not use them I am not worried. I have been surfing around and there are not many blogg templates of this theme so others may enjoy it when I upload it.
Thanks to Matt for the websites that will help me in my quest of colours, codes etc.
Now just to find another place to put all my pics. My other account is getting to full and to sign up another I have to pay for it. I can't have that now can I? If anyone knows of some really good sites for image hosting please let me know. Or if you would like me to think of a design for ya give me a theme and I will attempt to work on it :)
Have a super day everyone. Me is going to mow the lawns and have some fun in the garden.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Do you ever have one of those days that is a little odd? Things that don't usually happen do.
Since one of my major doors has closed in life things have turned in a different direction big time. Not sure whether it is good or not. Time will tell.
My plans for the day changed. That was cool. I am flexible to change so that was nice and easy. Did all the domestic stuff. No major change there. But the strange part was two phone calls. One was nice and the other was odd.
One was from my little mystery friend. I can't say too much about him cause I don't want too much info given out. Plus I am keeping a friend guessing on who it is. lol. But I have heard he is a bit of a bad puppy and that has perked my interest somewhat. I like my bad puppies. But I am curious at why he is a bad puppy. I have not heard valid reasons to it as yet. Me with bad puppies is like telling Angel he is not allowed to touch any cars in the toy car shop. With this so called bad puppy know nothing serious is going to come it it anyhoos. He is on a totally different path of life than what I am on. So at best just a little fling thing going to happen there. In some respects it is all that I can handle at the moment anyhoos. Something just for fun. Not that I am huge fan of it but I have a few other things going on and getting emotional with anyone at the moment is not hight on the list.
My mum is going around quizzing people who have daughters that are also single mum's about their ex's. They complain about their dead shit ex son in laws and mum tells them about mine. Really sad when I am even beating one of my cousins for dead shit ex comp. People think I am making shit up when I say my ex was evicted from a caravan park. But honest is it true. And I am also winning on the ex's with the most work cover claims. In 6 years he claimed work cover 12 times. Too much bad puppy there. lol
The other phone call was from someone I know that never rings me. I dunno how to quiet take this call/offer. Said cause I am single and cause this person trusts me would I join them and their partner in a 3some and if I want I am more than welcome to the partner if I want afterwards. Kinda nice that person trusts me, but not sure of the rest. Guess the only bonus with this one is that I will not be emotionally involved with anyone so I might enjoy it this time around. Will see if it actually happens or if parties back out.
Yesterday was a little strange too but on a complete different level. You know when you are so used to doing something and then all of a sudden you have to stop that. It was one of those things. Lots of restraint and control. Good thing for being my height is that I can perv on cute bums and that can help with the control factors in life. lol
Chatting to my little co-worker yesterday he has now classed me as Boney M chick. I have gone from Led Zep chick to Rolling stone to Boney M. The only reason i can not longer be a led zep chick is cause I don't smoke pot. One person thinks that I am a little rude, crude and crass. But think person's ears would burn with what co-worker and I (and sometimes boss) chat about. lol My co-worker is the only person that I know that goes by the theory "any hole is a goal". Makes me laugh every time. He is great fun. We perv at people together. We keep telling each other that we need our eyes checked. he keeps telling me to bring in my glasses and ware them cause my taste is a shocker and I tell him to have his checked cause his is. And now the boss has put a ban on me chatting up customers. lol. They are a great pair to work with. I still maintain my innocence on so called chatting up customers but the boss keeps stiring me and telling me he has heard all about me and my "chatting" to customers. lol It is all good fun.
Well time for my sleepies and see what strange things can happen tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
you are donkey from shrek (duh)!! surprised? plz
rate and message. thanks!!
Which annoying talking animal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a Hired Killer. You have no emotion, and no
feelings. Sometimes people wonder if you're
even human. You like to get your Moneys worth,
but dont want to get caught. You usually go
into the hot zone under a different alias to
get used to the surroundings and find the
fastest way out. You plan everything before you
take action. You park your car in the closest,
yet non-suspicious, place possible. You execute
everything with laser targeted percision.
Nothing stops you from your money.
What Kind Of Killer Are You? (Getting Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Sally! your love for another is out of
control. you need to come back down from the
clouds every once in awhile. you are however a
super cute and super nice person.
what peanuts character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
The one thing that is really bugging me tonight is people being so negative. People nit picking at the simplest of things. Leaving others feeling a little bad over petty crappy things. And the one place that I have noticed this the most. Surprise surprise is bloggs.
People leaving negative comments on other people's bloggs about their personal thoughts, feelings and opions. Even seen some petty visious attacks.
Isn't the whole idea of the blogg is for us to write with freedom what we think, feel and do in life. I know there are many people like myself that hold back on a lot of stuff. But as net surfers we should feel happy that someone has been confident enough to put their life on the net and share it with us all.
I love it when people make comments on my blogg. The more the merry. But when the comments are negative and rude it does not sit well. I guess the only good thing about that is at least some of them are honest enough to put their names to it.
If the comments are constructive and friendly I take notice. If it is full on attack I am taking no notice. If you are going to do that fine. As long as you can back it up with valid reasons. Not petty bullshit.
I guess it is too hard to follow a simple rule in life :Treat others the same way that you would like to be treated I respect other people's emotions, life, thoughts etc. So why is it so hard for so many other people to do it to others. What are these people trying to make themselves feel big and tough slagging off on someone else's blogg or others that make comments on their blogg. They only make themselves look like dickheads.
I just don't think people should pass judgement on other people's lives until theirs is perfect. If people want to pass judgement on mine go ahead. I will later fill you in on the gaps you missed. I know where I have screwed up in life. Hell if you have a few hours I can tell you all about it. lol No body is perfect but that does not give the right of others to nit pick.
Enough of my rant tonight
Monday, July 26, 2004
Well boys hear me roar. RRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHH
Isn't it great when you can chat to people for hours on end. Not talk about anything in particluar, but just chat. Topics always vary. From day to day stuff, kid stuff, parent stuff, to deep and meaningful stuff. It was during one of my chatters I worked out why I am so cherpy. And it was not the bowl of cocco pops followed by many cups of coffee.
When I met up with my old playmate the first time he told me I could not do anything without a male giving me finacial support. It felt so good when I showed him what I have done this past year on my own.
In the past year I have purchased the following items brand new:
* Bed
* DVD Player
* Video
* Computer (in about 2 weeks)
* Fridge
I have upgraded the following:
* Curtains
* Couch
* Lawn Mower
I have paid off many bills including 2 rather large ones.
I think I have done a lot in a year and will continue this. It feels so nice to be able to clean myself of my past. I have replaced all broken furtiture and cleaned out some of my files from bills. It is such a lovely feel.
I have also over some some health scares and issues. I had a cancer scare a few months back. Went to another doctor and we are trying to find out what is going on. I am still battleing one illness but hey things will be all good soon.
Also I have been able to do special TLC to Angel to get him back to a semi normal kid again. Show him that affection is good, being confident is good and his speach is comming along great now. Lots of work with him but we make fun games of it all.
So the next male that wants to tell me I can not do anything without one/him I will stand that and laugh in his face.
Hear me roar. I am woman. And women can do anything they need/feel they have to do.





I have no idea why but I am feeling super cherpy today. Not going anywhere or doing anything much today but feel chipper.
It has been great speaking with excellent people. They have been great people. They have helped me pull myself outta my depression state that I have been in for a few months. It has been great getting back to my normal cheery self. Thing Angel likes being chased around the house again. lol
Yesterday was great with him. We sat down and had lots of cuddles and kisses. Watched movies like Nemo and stuff. He has been such a little cutie. Sometimes upsetting that I have no-one to share his cuteness with, but jsut means I get it all. I can hog all the cuddles and kisses.
Well off to play chasy or something. Woke this morning to sound of rain and prefered to stay home. We have both just gotten over nasty little sick bugs and prefer to keep us healthy for a while.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Lets catch up on the life of Pooky. What has been going on? Not that much.
Sister is now single and living back at home with Mum. It will be good for her. They both agreed that they were not happy. Sister more so when she found his sneaky drinking. Sounds like more my type of guy then hers. lol. Her ex put on the hard word about them getting back together. Little slime that he is.
I did something stupid Friday night (yeh what is new). Got in contact with ex playmate and had him over. Nearly fell over when he stayed 1 hour and a half. usually was only 1 hour. Regreted it after wards. Supposed to see him on Saturday. Time for him to get dicked around like he did me. Plus rather the company of my family then some boy. Sorta fixed the fix, but not really. Cold sex doesn't really fix much. Cold I mean no cuddles, no kisses, no chatter just cold sex. Oh well gave BOB the night off and my wrists a break. lol At least could sit down and watch dvds afterwards and had bed on my own. Joy
Ok now will explain why even though he is 36 years old I still consider him a boy. Basically any boy can have sex, but it takes a man to treat a woman right.
Other than that having lovely conversations on the net with really lovely people. And been playing around with my blogg again. Tried something else out but I was not happy with that. Tried new reciepy for dinner on Thursday night (I think it was then). Chicken and Mushroom Risotto. Yummy yummy yummy. Nothing like good home cooked meals. Saturday night doing corned beef the old fashioned way for my family. With cauliflower with cheese sauce. I love entertaining/feeding people. Good food meas less doctors visits.
Just waiting on tax return then will get my puter. That is the last little bit of money I need to get it. Me will be happy little Pooks then. Went to try and get my stuff back from one person today and surprise surprise no-one home. Good thing I am not easily shocked about that. Time to stop being so nice and not asking for stuff back. I am sick and tired of people using me and spitting me out like they do spit. Why should I let these people get away with it?
Well time for my sleepies
Saturday, July 24, 2004
My stars for the day. Find this one a bit amuzing more than anything.
As the day progresses, your internal psychological landscape becomes more complicated. You are developing a particular set of interests that could make it difficult to engage others in your plan. But there are people in your life that matter and you will need to recognize them and acknowledge their needs. Be honest to yourself and others and you'll have a good chance of working out the differences.
Got this from Kara's blogg
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Whatever you don't bold is false.
4. When you're done, add your own to the end of the list.
01. When I was younger, I made some bad decisions.
02. I don't watch much TV these days.
03. I love broccoli.
04. I love sleeping
05. I have loads of books.
06. I once slept in a toilet.
07. I love playing video games.
08. I adore marijuana.
09. I watch porn movies.
10. I watch 'One Tree Hill'.
11. I like sharks.
12. I love spiders, I think they're adorable, especially the ones with bright colors on their backs.
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair.
14. I like George W. Bush.
15. People are cool.
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
17. I have a Toyota and a pool.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I carry my knife everywhere with myself.
20. I'm really, really smart.
21. I know more than two languages really well.
22. I have a secret.
23. I hate rain.
24. I drink health juice.
25. Punk rock rules.
26. I hate Bill Gates.
27. I love Vietnamese food.
28. I would hate to be famous.
29. I am not a morning person.
30. I have semi-long hair.
31. I have short hair.
32. I have potential.
33. I'm pure Afghan.
34. My legs are two different sizes.
35. I have a twin.
36. I wear those long ass socks.
37. I can roll my tongue.
38. I like the way that I look.
39. I'm obsessed w/Italian food.
40. I know how to french braid.
41. I can be pessimistic or optimistic whenever I want.
42. I have a lot of mood swings.
43. I skateboard/snowboard.
44. I think that skateboarders are HOT.
45. I'm in a band.
46. I have talent.
47. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
48. I think that I'm popular.
49. I am currently single.
50. I can't swim.
51. My favorite color is blue, red, or white.
52. I practically live in sweatshirts.
53. I love to shop.
54. I would classify myself as either punk or goth.
55. I would classify myself as ghetto.
56. I'm a prep, shop at abercombie, and ADMIT IT.
57. I'm obsessed with my journal.
58. I don't hate anyone.
59. I know how to square dance just a little bit.
60. I have a unibrow.
61. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mom.
62. I have a cell phone.
63. I believe in God.
64. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
65. I know how to play the tuba.
66. I need coffee to live.
67. I have had a boyfriend before.
68. I've rejected someone before.
69. I currently like someone and they have no idea that I like them.
70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
71. I want to have kids when I get older.
72. I have changed a diaper before. unfortunately.
73. I've called the cops on a friend before.
74. I bite my nails.
75. I am a member of the Hilary Duff fan club.
76. I'm not allergic to anything.
77. I love broadway plays and have been to at least 3.
78. I have no idea who the 38th president was.
79. I plan on seeing Mary Kate and Ashley's new movie.
80. I am completely shy around the opposite sex.
81. I'm online 24/7; not always there though.
82. I have at least 25 away messages saved.
83. I have tried alcohol or drugs.
84. I loved Rush Hour.
85. I've read all of the Harry Potter books.
86. If I were a dwarf, I would be Dopey.
87. When I was a kid I played with my G.I. Joe.
88. I don't mind country music.
89. I might die for my friends.
90. I think that Juicy Fruit is the best type of gum.
91. I watch soap operas whenever I can.
92. I'm obsessive and paranoid and extremely jumpy sometimes.
93. I would love to be Demi Moore because Ashton Kutcher's a major hottie.
94. I love the Beatles.
95. I know all the words to 'Barbie Girl'
96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy...
97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
98. I have to fart.
99. I want this damned thing to be over!
100. I'm happy.
101. I am VERY easily amused.
102. I'm angsty
103. I like rock
104. I like Fight Club
105. I absolutely adore mexican food
106. I have a boyfriend/girlfriend
107. I have more than one tarot deck.
108. This survey is way too American.
109. I like Canada
110. I know how to play a guitar/bass.
111: I love tattoos and piercings!!
112. I would do almost anything, as long as someone dared me
113. I am looking foward to what ever the future holds in store for me
Friday, July 23, 2004

My best friends Girl

Here's a picture of a public toilet in Switzerland that's made entirely out of one-way glass. No one can see you in there, but when you are inside, it looks like you're sitting in a clear glass box.

Here's a picture of a public toilet in Switzerland that's made entirely out of one-way glass. No one can see you in there, but when you are inside, it looks like you're sitting in a clear glass box.
My stars for today: You could be facing a basic repetitive theme to your life as the Moon in your 10th House of Career stresses the differences between what you need to do versus what you are instructed to do by your parents, your boss, or someone in charge. Don't just rebel by closing up shop and going home. Instead, listen to what is being asked of you and try your best to meet your obligations without feeling tied to the same teacher for a long time.
My stars for yesterday: You Goats can feel the simplicity slipping away as the Sun does on a summer night. As the late evening darkness falls, you become aware of the absolute beauty hidden within the mysteries of the unknown darkness. On the other hand, it is absolutely terrifying to you and you dream that you can turn on the lights. But it's not that simple. Don't suppress the dreams. Instead, try to understand the messages from your unconscious mind.
What do you expect from such simple creatures?
* Your last name stays put.
* The garage is all yours.
* Wedding plans take care of themselves.
* Chocolate is just another snack.
* You can be president.
* You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
* You can wear NO T-shirt to a water park.
* Car mechanics tell you the truth.
* The world is your urinal.
* You never have to drive to another gas station because "this one's just too icky."
* You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
* Same work, more pay.
* Wrinkles and grey hair add character.
* Wedding dress - $5000; tux rental - $100.
* People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
* The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
* New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
* One mood, ALL the time.
* Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
* You know stuff about tanks.
* A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase se.
* You can open all your own jars.
* You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
* If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
* Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
* Three pairs of shoes are more than enough (one black pair two sports pair).
* You almost never have strap problems in public.
* You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
* Everything on your face stays its original colour.
* The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
* You only have to shave your face and neck.
* You can play with toys all your life.
* Your belly usually hides your big hips.
* One wallet and one pair of shoes, one colour, all seasons.
* You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
* You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
* You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache.
* You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives, on December 24th, in 45 minutes.
No wonder men are happier (and simple)!
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Is this one better people's? Not too "fluffy" and not too hard on the eyes?
Tell me what you think?
The new priest is nervous about hearing confessions, so he asks the older
priest to sit in on his sessions.
The new priest hears a couple of confessions, then the old priest asks him to step out of the confessional for a few suggestions.
The old priest suggests, "Cross your arms over your chest, and rub your chin with one hand."
The new priest tries this.
The old priest suggests, "Try saying things like, 'I see, yes, go on,' and
'I understand. How did you feel about that?'"
The new priest says those things.
The old priest says, "Now, don't you think that's a little better than slapping your knee and saying 'You're putting me on!!! What happened next?'"
My brother and his wife learned a hard lesson this last week. Their house burned down...nothing left but ashes. They have good insurance, so the home will be replaced and mostof the contents. That is the good news. However, they were sick when they found out the cause of the fire. The insurance investigator sifted through the ashes for several hours. He had the cause of the fire traced to the master bathroom. He asked my sister-in-law what she had plugged in in the bathroom. She listed the normal things....curling iron, blowdryer. He kept saying to her, "No,this would be something that would disintegrate at high temperatures." Then,my sister-in-law remembered she had aGlade Plug-in in the bathroom. The investigator had one of those "Aha" moments. He said that was the cause of the fire. He said he has seen more home fires started with the plug in type room fresheners than anything else. He said the plastic they are made from is a THIN plastic. He said in every case there was nothing left to prove that it even existed. When the investigator looked in the wall plug, thetwo prongs left from the plug-in werestill in there. My sister-in-law had one of the plug-ins that had a small night light built in it. She said she had noticed that the light would dim....and then finally go out. She would walk in a few hours later, and the light would be back on again. The investigator said that the unit was getting too hot, and would dim and go out rather than just blow the light bulb. Once it cooled down, it would come back on. That is a warning sign. The investigator said he personally wouldn't have any type of plug in fragrance device anywhere in his house. He has seen too many burned down homes. Thought I would warn you all.
The reason that you can see this is cause dogs can sniff out nice people :)








I'm on Vacation

Born to Pout.....
My stars for the day: If you've been working out the logistics in your relationships, finish up with the details, for you are getting ready to move into a new phase of expression. For now, at least, you have to ability to have larger-than-life vision, yet you don't lose sight of what needs to be done right now. Pay close attention to your feelings, for they can lift you out of your too-serious frame of mind. But remember to go back and dot your "i"s and cross your "t"s.
OOpppsss think I forgot most of this stuff today. Keeping busy so don't have to do the feely thingy. lol
Car jacking scheme - NOT A JOKE
Be aware of new car-jacking scheme (This could also be used as a ploy for kidnapping)
Imagine: You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. Then you lock all your doors, start the engine and shift into REVERSE, and you look into the rear-view mirror to back out of your parking space and you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift into PARK, unlock your doors and jump out off your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back of your car, that is when the car-jackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off Your engine was running, you would have your purse in the car and they practically mow you down as they speed off in your car. BE AWARE OF THIS NEW SCHEME THAT IS NOW BEING USED. Just drive away and remove the paper that is stuck to your window later, and be thankful that you read this email. I hope you will forward this to friends and family especially to women! A purse contains all identification, and you certainly do NOT want someone getting your home address. They already HAVE your keys!!!!!>>>> Kind Regards,
Brian Faust
Motor Repair Consultant/ SCC Representative
Insurance Manufacturers of Australia Pty Ltd
Ph: (02) 9502 7344
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Well the day turned out good considering it started off shitty. Started at 4am. Angel wanted to play. grrrrrr. When he finally went to sleep that was good except I slept through my alarm and did not hear either phone ring 10 times. Opps. Got up at 7.45am and by 8.00am I had a shower, dressed me and Angel. Not bad.
Mum came at 8.05am and we had a huge argument. Been a while since that had happened. Then a billion and 1 sms from 1 person during my argument. grrrrr. But turned out better after met up with Sister in city for breakie. Had my first cuppa and it was heaven. By this stage mum and I had stopped arguing thank god.
Went and did a few things then started work. I love being short staffed. Not to matter bumped up my sales figures. lol 1 customer went and said nice stuff about me to the boss so that felt nice. Two days in a row it is all good. Chatted to the boss tonight and he may increase my hours a bit. Will help out.
Went up to mum's for dinner. That was nice. Hell tired after the day and almost fell asleep on bus to her place.
Been home 20 mins done all my dailies and my email replies that are nice and quick. Will get to my lengthy one tomorrow night.
Time to let the dog in, read my mail and snuggle under my warm sheets and think about what I have to do tomorrow. Breakie with sister again to give her some stuff, maybe some extra hours work and come home. And look foward to quiet day Thursday
Monday, July 19, 2004
With my near clean bill of health decided to venture out of the house for the first time in 3 weeks for social stuff. Glad I did cause was able to pick up a few hours extra work.
Did not want to get out of bed when I hear 3.3 on the radio this morning. Invested in some flanette sheets and they were so nice and warm. Too warm to get out.
Hopefully Wednesday or Thursday is my puter shopping day. This one is giving me the shits to no end. Too many little gremlins in it.
I feel like doing something tonight just dunno what it is. Just in a strange mood tonight. Might go and play my new cd and kill some men in my game. Sounds like a good plan
Anyhoos here are my stars for the day: You can find certain strength from knowing what is true. Since you Capricorns strive to maintain integrity in your lives, the reality you now discover can become the foundation for your future. Don't waste energy wondering if you are good enough or strong enough or smart enough. You are what you are and that is more than enough. Push past your old beliefs and you'll be able to avoid the same old traps that have caught you previously.
Here is a joke too
A woman was leaving a convenience store with her morning coffee when shenoticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery. Along black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feetbehind the first one. Behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walkinga pit bull on a leash. Behind her, a short distance back, were about 200women walking single file.
The woman couldn't stand her curiosity. She respectfully approached thewoman walking the dog and said "I am so sorry for your loss, and I know nowis a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a funeral like this. Whosefuneral is it?
She replied "My husband's."
"What happened to him?"
The woman replied "My dog attacked and killed him."
She inquired further "Well, who is in the second hearse?"
The woman answered "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my husbandwhen the dog turned on her.">> A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passed between the two women.
"Can I borrow the dog?"
"Get in line."
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Thanks Likus for the questions
1: do you practise safe sex with bob? wouldn't want to catch any ac/dcs But of course. Need baby oil to stop any friction burns. Cause BOB likes it a bit rough at times.
.2: what was involved in the dirty little army cadet routine? i want the whole story. but gimme a minute to find that massage oil. Hmmm. Me getting put over his knee and spanked, lots of sex and well can't kiss and tell all can I now. But re lived morning sex again. Or are you wanting to know what I wore. A bra and Suspenders, the jacket and a smile :)
3: does the dancing spiderman .gif make you horny? is that why you sent it to us all? i have a spiderman outfit, you know. well, okay, i don't, but i could buy one. Hey if you want to dress up like that and save me please do so. you know where to find me :)
4: do you look at chocolate eclairs in the same way i look at donuts? Well I see chocolate eclairs in different lights depending on where i am and my mood. Sometimes it is used for subsitute for lack of sex, other times it is a leading up to how frisky I am feel thing
5: when entertaining the notion of bestiality, which animal are you thinking of getting it on with, and how? not that bestiality does anything for me, but i think there's all kinds of animals in life and some of them we've fucked with once or twice. Well i must be darfed cause never thought about doing an animal. The only animal i like it the ones with two legs and they are the species commonlly refered to as the human male. But we all know that they are pigs, dogs or something most of the time. So I guess I have done animals. But I am looking for the wildcat human animal.
My stars for today: Other people can often see you as more restrained and more resistant to change than you actually feel. You are very capable of change when you know that it's based on something real. Now, as real changes come at you from different directions, you get to show everyone, including yourself, how well you can respond. Carpe diem! Seize the moment and make it yours.
I would like to say a special thanks to two people who helped me with my new design. I hope they don't mind.
Jenny - For helping me with a few little tricky bits and her keen eye to say that the pic was where I wanted it to be even though my puter doesn not show it that way.
Matt - For redesigning the origial pic I had up there. I love it. It is more like me and the background.
So a special huge thanks to both of you
What do you all think of my new look? I you like could you please give feedback on anything. Whether you like it or some things could be changed.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
If Spiderman was a gay nightclubber
My Stars for the Day: There's a part of you that fights the changing feelings, especially now as you face emotional issues that tug at the root of your foundations. You Goats strive for stability. It's why foundations are so important to you. But now the emotional waters swirl around your feet, and you don't feel as sure-footed as you'd like. It is perfectly safe to let your feet leave the ground. Swim through the mixed feelings, but don't try to hold onto any of them along the way.









Read the 1st, 3rd and 5th lines